The issue with “save the tatas”


The issue with

            With the appearance of October, wherever you go, the thing is seas of pink using these sexual sayings plastered over everything. Saying such things as “save the tatas” and “save second base” signifies that women are just great for that one part of the body – their breasts. It indicates this is they’re priced at. How about women with cancer of the breast who need to have mastectomies? Let’s say their “tatas” can’t be saved? Does which make them a lesser lady? Does which means that they’ve lost their worth? No, definitely not, but imagine as being a lady – a survivor of cancer of the breast who needed a dual mastectomy – travelling every single day seeing these slogans plastered on t-shirts, stickers, and bracelets. Lara Huffman, a author for that Huffington publish and cancer of the breast survivor states her body image was forever altered, which each time she sees these she’s “constantly advised of the items exists under my shirt – scars, stretchmarks and silicone”.

            “Save the tatas” isn’t about saving the lady, sturdy saving an element of the lady. By saying “save the tatas”, regardless of whether you understand it or otherwise, you’re not saying “You are valued like a person and that i don’t want this ailment to consider your life”, you’re saying “I don’t want this ailment to eliminate that one part of the body, because that part of the body is the reason why me drawn to you and also that’s what defines your worth”. Then when both men and women walk around sporting their “my girlfriend has great tatas!” and “don’t let cancer steal second base!” it’s tasteless and honestly, just offensive. Women happen to be objectified in almost every facet of the west – music, television, movies, magazines – and today being objectified for his or her cancer. Cancer. FREAKING CANCER. Cancer much like cancer of the prostate, or liver cancer, or brain cancer, or mouth cancer, or cardiovascular disease, or leukemia or other disease you are able to consider. It isn’t something that should be sexualized.

            As well as, cancer of the breast doesn’t only affect women! Men could possibly get cancer of the breast too! By turning cancer of the breast into something sexual and all sorts of about “the tatas” rather of something medical and heavy, it’s made men getting cancer of the breast regarded as embarrassing. It’s occurred to feel emasculating. So not just are women designed to seem like a lesser lady, men are created to feel as a lesser man. This really is dehumanizing, along with a problem.

            You may proudly sport a “save the tatas” shirt or perhaps an “I <3 boobies” bracelet – lots of people do – you’re not a bad person. You probably haven’t even thought about all this: about how these provocative slogans could be problematic. Everyone grows and changes and comes to realize and fix problematic behavior. So, maybe you just didn’t know, but now you do, and it’s time to be a little more sensitive and stop trying to raise awareness by being derogatory and “funny”. There’s nothing funny about breast cancer and there’s nothing sexual about a disease that can kill you.


Save the TaTas! ♡