Tag «colorectal»

Colorectal cancer survival rates & prognosis

Contents What’s the prognosis for those who have colorectal cancer? References Colon Cancer: Diagnosis & Treatment | Los Angeles Colonoscopy What’s the prognosis for those who have colorectal cancer? Everyone differs and responds differently to treatment. However, with prompt and appropriate treatment, the outlook for an individual with colorectal cancer is hopeful. The rate of …

Colorectal cancer metastatic towards the liver: making the unresectable resectable

Contents Advances in chemotherapy Hepatic resection Numerous studies needed Chemotherapy to Reduce Size of Liver Metastases for Surgical Resection – Top Liver Cancer Surgeon Probably the most common tumor types that surgical oncologists focusing on hepatobiliary and pancreatic neoplasms see in clinical practice is colorectal cancer liver metastases. This truth is unsurprising, considering that colorectal …

Cancer from the appendix is different from colorectal cancer in the end – ona

Contents Resistant Starch and Colon Cancer Exactly the same chemotherapy employed for cancer of the colon can also be employed for cancer from the appendix, which belongs to the colon, however this approach has shown to be largely ineffective. Now, gene expression profiling for appendiceal cancer has shown the disease is, actually, quite dissimilar to …