Tag «stage»

Stage ii –

Contents Overview Local Therapy: Surgery and Radiation World of Tanks FV4005 Stage II – 4 Kills 11,1K Damage Overview Patients identified as having stage II cancer of the breast possess a primary cancer that either involves axillary lymph nodes and it is under five centimeters (2 ") in dimensions, or perhaps is more than two …

Radiotherapy for women with stage i or stage ii cancer of the breast – full text view – clinicaltrials.gov

Contents Stage 2 breast cancer – Joyce O'Brien on surviving breast DISEASE CHARACTERISTICS: Histologically confirmed nonlobular invasive cancer of the breast of among the following histologies: Ductal Papillary Medullary Colloid (mucinous) Tubular Stage I/II (T1-2 N0-1 M0) tumor no more than 3 cm Prior tylectomy and axillary lymph node dissection needed A maximum of 3 …

Predictors of survival in stage iv metastatic colorectal cancer

Contents Colon Cancer | Dr. Tony Talebi discusses the Treatment of Stage IV Metastatic Colon Cancer Patients. The medical records of 541 patients, with histologically proven metastatic CRC (UICC stage IV) between 1998 and 2008 were retrospectively reviewed. All were consecutive non-selected cases from one center and all sorts of patients were treated outdoors of …

My stage iv cancer of the colon journey

Contents Rachael Wall, 26 year old stage IV colorectal cancer survivor, Says YES to HOPE! In hindsight, my cancer of the colon diagnosis appears so apparent. My gastroenterologist requested me to repeat a regular bloodstream test in December 2006. He requested basically was tired. I responded, “Of course, I’m – I simply tiled your bathroom, …